1st off its an uninspiring name; but, dont judge the app by its name. I have owned just about all the top notetaking apps and couldnt find the features I wanted. I tried Notability - very good but poor quality palm protection. I also own NoteSuite - short on features given the price. I enjoy Noteshelf too - confusing learning curve of techniques & missing some "current" app features at a top price. Now I think I finally have it - Zoom Notes. Even tried Zoom Notes Lite 1st to be sure and now I have purchased the full version with no reservations. It does everything that the current notetaking apps should provide given the market demands for more features and quality performance. For me, it supplies all of these well with fair market pricing. Recommend to novices like me or high level geeks. I use for business sales calls notetaking so I can be totally paperless except for my business card.
Wine boss about ZoomNotes